And Let Us Not Grow Weary…

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We trust He is keeping you in perfect peace as your minds are fixed on our Everlasting Rock during this time of shifting sands in this fallen world.
Our hearts hurt for the state of our world. Our adopted country Haiti is constantly in our hearts, prayers, and efforts. Haiti is hurting in every way. When we think things could not possibly get worse, they do. The COVID pandemic has only been a small factor making travel and our work in Haiti more difficult. While we are not currently able to be on the ground in Haiti full time, we are thankful for the six trips our Lord has graciously granted us to make safely in the past year even with the pandemic and a Level 4 “Do not travel” warnings to Haiti regularly sent to our inbox.

Sadly, our planned trips in April and July were canceled due to extreme gang violence, kidnappings (we have friends and acquaintances who have been kidnapped and/or killed), road closures, fuel shortages, political unrest and not wanting to put a target on our Haitian friends and employees backs by being seen with foreigners. Haiti’s president was assassinated on July 7th, which unleashed even more insecurity with no government in place. Then on August 14th, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the south-western coast of Haiti causing large scale damage to that region. The vast majority of those affected in the south have no means to rebuild without assistance. We have been raising and sending funds to help with emergency necessities. Three of our ministry partners who are from that area have been significantly impacted with loss of life to family members and loss of homes. Thankfully, most got outside before houses collapsed. We are praying and coordinating with those on the ground to help with repairs and rebuilding for the families we know. Life in Haiti is currently a daunting dance of daily survival as armed gangs now regularly take control of major transportation and supply routes, causing an even greater crisis for the country.
The crisis in Haiti has now made its way to Texas as tens of thousands of Haitian migrants have streamed to the Del Rio border with thousands more expected to come. Over the past decade we have watched as thousands of Haitians desperately left Haiti in search of work and opportunity. Many, including personal friends of ours, have left Haiti for Chile and Brazil. Haitians coming to the border of Texas are migrating after spending years in countries not their own– not directly from Haiti. We are praying and seeking how God can use us to minister to these Haitian migrants. Perhaps He has us grounded in Texas for such a time as this.
Even though we miss being in Haiti, God has graciously given us so much Haiti here in San Marcos, Texas! Our beloved Haitian ministry partners of ten years, Frantz and Julienne Osier and their young daughters have been with us since last December. They originally came on a planned trip for the holidays but were unable to go back to Haiti due to very serious threats on their lives. They are in the U.S. legally and are in the process of political asylum. They cannot yet legally work, drive, or rent their own place, so we have been their primary support system for the past nine months. Another addition that has kept us busy the past several months is the process of turning an old building on our family property into a home for the Osiers. We still have a long way to go and desperately need handy help to finish by our extended deadline of November. Frantz and Julienne did not expect to not be able to go back to their homeland and have been grieving that and the immense traumas they faced that forced this situation. Please pray for them and wisdom for us as we walk through this difficult time with them and those we love in Haiti. We are so thankful they are safe and for the joy to have Haitian family, Haitian food, and Haitian Creole in our daily lives. Our days are mostly crazy, and we sometimes feel as though we might as well be in Haiti!
We are grateful for your partnership in the gospel and ask that you continue to pray for those who need the gospel next door, across the street, in our town, state, at the border, and around the world (Romans 15:20).

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10

By His Grace Alone,
Eric and Elisabeth Ream

Thank you for your faithful giving and investment.

Praise and Prayer Reports!

Haiti Family and School Partnerships: Praising God for the opportunity to bless 81 Haitian students and their families with sponsorships this school year! It takes a lot of time and work to accomplish this in the months leading up to school each year. A huge thanks to all those we have contacted who have joyfully agreed to financially sponsor a child or children this year, to our Heart of God Haiti accounting team David and Julie Young who process the tax deducible donations, and Haitian ministry partners Figaro and Patrick who are instrumental on the Haiti side in helping us make this a reality! Your generous giving enables us to build relationships with families and opens doors for us and our Haitian partners to share Christ openly with families and at the schools. Providing a school sponsorship is also one of the very best ways to encourage and empower orphan prevention, family reunification and preservation while giving these kids and their families a brighter hope for the future through education!

Some of our Kofael ladies have taken in “restavek” children who would have otherwise been susceptible to trafficking, child slavery or institutionalization. We work hard to raise awareness on all of these issues and love to see Haitians helping Haitians and children like Francesca being raised in godly Haitian families like Aptialita’s! *Photos shared with permission. Francesca has been sponsored for school this year by our daughter Elita Marguerite. 🥰

In addition to school sponsorships, members of our KOFAEL women’s ministry recently received the gift of school supplies to help their children and grandchildren!

To learn more about the KOFAEL program visit

Earthquake Relief:
We are at $8,000 of our $24,000 goal to help families directly impacted by the earthquake!!!

Our friend and ministry parter Figaro’s childhood home in Chantal. Pictured are his parents standing in front of their collapsed house.
The remains of the home of one of our school sponsorship recipients who lives in Les Cayes.

Honey House:
The building (which was formerly a honey processing warehouse) we are turning into a house to help our Haitian ministry partners is nearing the final stages of completion! We are so thankful to those who have graciously volunteered time and labor, purchased items off the registry, and donated money toward the necessary construction supplies. We give praise that we now mostly have what we need to finish. We are praying to have the time and manpower (more physical labor help) to get the job done and move the Osiers in next month!

We think it’s interesting/funny/awesome that it already looked like a Haiti house made of cinderblock, concrete floors and metal roof! One more proof that our Lord always sees ahead!

We hope the revamped Honey House will be a sweet shelter that reminds us all of God’s faithfulness in the storms of life. Psalm 119:103

Frantz and Julienne Osier with daughters Jo and Hannah Joy

If you would like to give financially or contact us by mail, here is the current information to do so.

Send checks addressed to Heart of God International Ministries:
In the memo write: Ream Team to support the Ream Family or Haiti to support ongoing relief efforts.

Mail to:
Heart of God International Ministries
C/o Young & Company CPAs
1425 Jefferson Road
Rochester, NY 14623

Donate online:

Mailing address for Ream and Osier families:
203 Claremont Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666

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