Around the World with Eric, Haiti and Hospital

Summer Update

We thank each of you for your prayers and support as Eric and our son Evan  had the privilege of ministering in the Dominican Republic near the border of Haiti a few weeks ago.  Evan’s school takes a mission trip for the upcoming seniors and Evan wanted his dad to go with him. “We shared the gospel door to door, in parks, at sporting events and at schools.  We are all praising the Lord that over eighty people put their faith in Christ during the week. Our team had several different types of ministries to many different churches. One afternoon we went as a team to pray for Haiti. Evan prayed one of the most profound prayers for the country where he grew up.  Haiti is in a world of hurt and we continue to pray for her political stability, but even more for her spiritual stability and a move of the Lord throughout the country.” -Eric  

We are hoping to be able to get back to Haiti for a little bit this summer. The roads to our home are still inaccessible due to the gang and transportation issues. We are praying the deployment of Kenyan troops coming “soon” and the new government installation team will be positive steps toward healing the country

Eric has been in four countries in the last couple of months serving.  While in Romania, he had an infection open up from his neck and has been battling this infection for over two months now.  Over the last ten months because of the pain Eric has had in his neck (a potential consequence of his cancer surgery in early 2023 but his doctors aren’t completely sure) he sleeps about an average of two hours a day.  This has been very rough. Today, Eric goes under the knife again and they will remove granular tissue from his airway. Then they will go through the neck and try to locate the infection and figure out what is causing it.  The specialists will try to rinse out the infection and take a few samples for pathology.  We appreciate your prayers for the surgical team, Eric’s recovery, peace that surpasses all understanding and provision.

But I do not consider my life worth anything to myself, so that I may finish my task and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24).

Here are a few recent pics to enjoy while awaiting the next news.

Our daughter Esmée is currently in India with her friend Alexia who was our housemate last year. What a joy to see our adult children serving the Lord!
Evan and friends praying over precious people in the Dominican Republic.
Evan opening the Word at church in the D.R.
This sweet Haitian lady was so excited when Eric spoke to her in Creole. We have many Haitian friends on the other side of the island. Even though they are so close to Haiti, it feels like a world away.
At the Haiti 🇭🇹 Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 border
Evan hanging with students at a school. The students all kept calling him “Chino” thinking he is Chinese because of Evan’s eye condition. This has actually become a common theme in Evan’s life and even Asians think he is Asian and people that don’t know us think he is our third adopted child. Evan takes all this with a smile and wonders if God is calling him to a people group who think he looks like them. Evan is planning a mission trip to Japan in the fall.
Eric and Evan with a Pastor they served alongside. Always thankful for each opportunity God gives us to serve around the world!


One Reply to “Around the World with Eric, Haiti and Hospital”

  1. I always love reading your ministry updates. I love you all deeply and I love His life in you.

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