Christ Our Hope

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for lifting us in prayer the past few weeks. Shortly after sharing the last post about Eric’s surgery on June 24th–that we had greatly hoped would aid in his full recovery–the surgeons came to inform us that they could not continue with the second part of the surgery to try and clear the infection in Eric’s trachea because they had discovered a large, cancerous tumor in that area. This news was shocking to everyone. They had previously thought this spot on the CT scan was either a pocket of infection (Eric had been suffering for months from infections of H-Flu, MRSA, and hospital acquired bacterial pneumonia) or granulation tissue that had grown due to scarring after the previous surgery. They never suspected the spot could be a cancerous tumor because this type of cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) neither originates nor spreads to the trachea/windpipe. Austin’s top surgeons said they have never seen this before. It is apparently very, very rare for this to happen. Eric was heartbroken when he woke up from anesthesia and heard the news.

We spent that night at the hospital and Eric’s team of doctors told us they had made all the necessary calls to get Eric referred to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The San Antonio location which is closer to us does not treat this type of cancer. Eric’s throat was very sore for about a week after surgery but since the surgeon was able to remove the upper granulation tissue in this throat, his airway opened up a little and breathing improved some. We were thankful for this small reprieve.

Eric was scheduled to preach for three services at our church on June 30th and had prepared for this before going into the hospital. It was one of the reasons we had pushed for the surgery to happen early in the week so that he would have as much recovery time as possible before the next Sunday.  Eric was graciously given the option to pass this off to someone else, but we felt strongly that this was important for Eric to do. Our church, Fellowship Church of Plum Creek, where Eric is on staff part time as the Mission’s Pastor, has been going through a summer series on the pastoral staff’s favorite scripture passages while Lead Pastor Chris is on sabbatical. It was Eric’s turn to share his favorite from Acts 1 with a focus on Jesus last words in Acts 1:7-8.

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

These  have  always been Eric’s favorite verses to live out and share. Yet, preaching a sermon titled “Last Words” after just finding out you have cancer…again…was a heavy task. We do not believe it is a coincidence that this happened. Eric preached the message with a sore throat, pain in his head and neck along with several unusual technical difficulties that also felt like forces trying so, so hard to steal his voice. Our oldest son who hasn’t been to church in years came that Sunday to hear his Dad. He also brought two friends. That really meant a lot to us along with all of the people who have taken the time to reach out with kindness and pray over us.

Waiting for the first of many meetings with doctors at MD Anderson.

Our first meetings with Eric’s new team of cancer doctors at MDA were on July 11th, and 12th, in Houston.  First, we met with the surgical team who explained that the tumor is inoperable due to its size and location in the windpipe. The tumor is currently covering 80% of Eric’s airway. This is the reason he has been struggling to breathe all these months. There is 20% airway left and we do not exactly know how fast the tumor is growing.

The red circle is where the tumor is and the doctor’s white pointer arrow next to the bottom of the circle shows the airway space that is left.

There is nothing to do to help Eric be able to breathe with the tumor there because the tumor is in the middle of his airway where they would normally be able to do a tracheotomy. We were told by the surgeon at MDA that because squamous cell carcinoma in the trachea/windpipe is so uncommon and they have not had these cases, they really are not sure how this cancer or Eric’s body will respond to treatment. We were also told the reason Eric has this ‘very uncommon” cancer in his trachea. It did not originate nor spread. It was implanted there. Somehow, squamous cell carcinoma cells that were previously present on Eric’s tongue before they were successfully removed on January 25th, 2023, were surgically transplanted into his trachea by accident during one of his previous surgeries which involved multiple medical teams. This was very difficult news that we were hearing for the first time. Eric has been the model patient. It was rare for him to get this kind of cancer on his tongue in the first place as he has never smoked anything nor drank alcohol. He bounced back quickly after extensive surgeries and was in great shape physically. He worked so hard on speech therapy during the months that followed. Then, about eight months after being healthy and declared “cancer free”, Eric began to have strange symptoms that quickly turned into chronic pain in his head and neck. All the many doctors Eric went to would offer various suggestions and treatments, none of which helped. We were told over and over this is just a “tricky case.” Because no one in the medical field thought cancer could be there, they didn’t bother to check and actually told us all the things it could be but that, “it couldn’t be cancer.” So the transplanted cancerous tumor has (in the past eight months) been poked with a steroid shot, cauterized two times, cultured  and scraped during scopes and surgery–all surely helping the cancer to grow. We heard several times from multiple, kind doctors at MDA, ‘I’m so very sorry. This should not have happened to you.”

However, the medical team at MDA was very elated that Eric has not previously had chemo or radiation as at least there is now that option to try. It felt very strange to hear that the “good news” is rounds of chemo and radiation. The current thought for treatment recommendation is nine weeks of two chemo drugs along with immunotherapy that will be administered once every three weeks. This is to try and shrink the tumor as it cannot receive radiation in its current state. Then, six or possibly seven weeks of radiation (also probably alongside more chemo). The radiation treatments are five days per week and we were told arrangements would have to be made for Eric to live near the hospital the duration of that time. This is all the medical hope we are left with and even if Eric goes through all that, there isn’t any amazing guarantee.

The drive home from Houston was weary and depressing. This certainly wasn’t the news we hoped to share. We prayed and processed the next day and talked to some friends who have walked through similar situations. We needed to ask the hard questions like, “If you knew before what you know now, would you still choose the same way?” We were encouraged not to feel pressured by time or doctors to start anything immediately but to take a few days to sit with this and pray. We so appreciate everyone who has reached out to us and those who care enough to dare to send us information on alternative cancer treatments. We have done our best to read and research each one. Since learning about his tumor, Eric has been trying several (non-main stream) things that have been proven to fight cancer in some people (not all.) We are praying that his body will respond well. But we also know this typically takes time, and time is an extremely critical factor due to the closing of Eric’s airway. He can choose to continue with his current non-mainstream protocol in conjunction with starting chemotherapy. Right now, (unless there is significant improvement or a sudden miracle), the plan is to start the first round of chemo next week.

Cancer (or any illness or unexpected tragedy or life interruption) is never convenient. Eric is  supposed to be leading two separate groups to Romania and Tanzania in the next couple weeks. He still has this hope inside him that he will be able to go. Please pray in faith with us for this. We know the “significant improvement or sudden miracle” needs to happen for him to be able to travel. We know if/when Eric starts chemo, his immune system will be utterly compromised and making trips overseas (even if he feels a little better toward the end of the first chemo cycle) is highly ill advised.

Elisabeth recently started a new job at Handspun Hope (a nonprofit ministry in Rwanda) this summer (in addition to teaching during the school year and working remotely with our Haiti ministries) right around the time we got the new cancer news, but before we had all the details. Trying to balance everything has been complicated to say the least. We apologize to all those we have not yet answered or have not answered quickly. We see your messages come in and simply cannot respond a good deal of the time while at work or in appointments that seem never ending. But we feel loved and prayed over and cannot thank you enough for checking on us!

Our son Evan, who also has a rare medical condition, is at youth camp this week, but has two important doctor appointments over the next two weeks. Our oldest son is moving next week and we want to be able to help him. The girls are living at home and close to home and are typically able to help around the house. There is so, so much to do and we are not at all sure how it is going to get accomplished. Eric struggles physically to be able to do much and he hasn’t been able to sleep more than a couple hours per night  since last November. People ask how they can help but most of our big to-do’s are things only we can do (like our jobs, and medical appointments and trying to organize it all.) But then our neighbor shows up to mow our lawn, a friend brings coffee and drops off supplements for Eric at the office, and we get another card in mail or text with a prayer. So, we praise God, Who is our Help, as he sends dear ones to help us in unexpected ways throughout each day. We are constantly reminded we are not alone in this. There is always hope! We can have peace in this process. Our hope is not in “trusting the process”, but in the keeper of our souls. Doctors make mistakes and processes often fail. In Christ alone, our hope is found. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, our Light, our Strength, our Song.

We sang this song on Sunday that echoes our heart’s cry. May God be glorified in our “times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority” as we trust the One Who holds every detail of our days within His hand. Oh, sing hallelujah! Our hope springs eternal! Now and ever we confess, Christ our hope in life and death. God is good. God is good.

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Song by Keith & Kristyn Getty and Matt Papa

What is our hope in life and death?
Christ alone, Christ alone
What is our only confidence?
That our souls to Him belong
Who holds our days within His hand?
What comes, apart from His command
And what will keep us to the end?
The love of Christ in which we stand
Oh, sing hallelujah
Our hope springs eternal
Oh, sing hallelujah
Now and ever we confess
Christ, our hope in life and death
What truth can calm the troubled soul?
God is good, God is good
Where is His grace and goodness known?
In our great Redeemer’s blood
Who holds our faith when fears arise?
Who stands above the stormy trial?
Who sends the waves that bring us nigh
Unto the shore? The rock of Christ
Oh, sing hallelujah
Our hope springs eternal
Oh, sing hallelujah
Now and ever we confess
Christ, our hope in life and death
Unto the grave, what will we sing?
“Christ, He lives, Christ, He lives!”
And what reward will Heaven bring?
Everlasting life with Him
There we will rise to meet the Lord
Then sin and death will be destroyed
And we will feast in endless joy
When Christ is ours forevermore (forevermore)
Oh, sing hallelujah
Our hope springs eternal
Oh, sing hallelujah
Now and ever we confess
Christ, our hope in life and death (oh, sing)
Oh, sing hallelujah
Our hope springs eternal
Oh, sing hallelujah
Now and ever we confess
Christ, our hope in life and death
Now and ever we confess
Christ, our hope in life and death