Ream Team Highs and Lows of 2022


Dear Friends and Family,

2022 has mostly been a year walking through dark valleys but we have also climbed a few mountains and feel God with us in all the highs and lows. A wise friend recently reminded that fruit isn’t produced on the mountaintop but in the valley. Valleys tend to induce anxiety and fear, but they also bring us closer to our Shepherd. It is comforting to be reminded that even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; for God is with us. (Psalm 23:4a)

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War on Hope

Dear Friends,

It has been another tough year for Haiti and our family as we continue to pray for peace and cling to hope. We are thankful that while it still seems there are no solutions on the horizon, we have the hope of Heaven and are continually reminded that this broken, waring world is not our true home. The Lord is our home. Our hope is that when we sit with others in their suffering, they will come to know the One Who suffered and died for them, to give them life, and eternal hope. We are thankful to update with some positive highlights from the past few months of fighting for hope with Haiti.

Students sponsored for school in Saint Marc, Haiti are continuing to receive lessons and tutoring three days per week along with food assistance while at class thanks to our donors who continue to support the ministry.

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