A teary eyed student approached me saying she experienced a horrific dream a few years ago that has brought her much fear and grief. She said she saw in a dream that her cousin was shot five times in the chest and died. A few days later her cousin died in the exact same way she dreamed. This explains her terrible fear from the past, but her tears this day were for a different reason. She told me that she recently had another dream about her grandpa dying and she felt that because of her previous experience that this may happen to him. She shared these things with me and then asked, “Mr. Eric what do I do now?” We talked for a while and I mostly listened and then found in this conversation a great opportunity to share the gospel. This young lady who entered tearful and fearful left thankful for a Savior who cares about her dreams, her grandpa and He made a way for her to spend an eternity with Him. Michelle is excited to learn more about her Savior and what it means to love God, love others and make Him known wherever she goes. Please pray for her.
Your prayer and financial support is making a difference in Haiti. We are thankful we have partners like you who join us in petitions and praise. Praise! We are very excited to share with you that our KOFAEL ladies have a new, safe place to meet every month starting this month (October)! KOFAEL has received sponsorships for 3 ladies this month as well! Prayer request: We still need 26 women sponsored (13 at $250 and 13 at $150). One time sponsorships are urgently needed for these women at this time. We currently cannot bring more women into the microloan program until we have the funding to cover our current waiting women.
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